Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Double Vision
We heard a teacher say the other day "the way to kill a man's vision is to give him two." There's a truckload of wisdom in that. We are experiencing that feeling here in South Africa. We came here with an idea about helping out a school out with space for classes and we are being pulled in many directions for other needs. It's not that it's wrong but what it does is "fuzzy up" the overall picture. As Americans, we tend to think we can take on many different projects and give our full attention to each but the truth is either one will get our best effort and the rest will suffer or they will all suffer. This is an area that I do pretty well at in music production, but when I get out of that place or I add other things to the music production I get into trouble. I pray that we will all learn to focus on what God gives us to do and not get caught up into areas that pull us away from our original vision. Blessings....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The T Word

There's a couple of things that come to mind when you bring up the concept of trust. When someone says I trust you, what does that mean? 2 things pop out to me. #1. You are saying, I'm dropping the wall that I always have up for protection. Those walls are made up of many things, some very noticeable and some very subtle. It could be humor, cynicism, (fake) humility, being busy in ministry (ouch)... you get the point. God has been revealing some things in me that are frankly detestable. And the reason I am seeing these things for the first time is because this is the first time I have started lowering the walls to let God have His way. I'm not even sure I knew how to lower the walls much less knew that they were there. But I sure know now, and that means the ball is in my court in how to respond to Him. By the way, He wasn't surprised by what was in me...He already knew. He wants me to see my stuff so I can get victory over it and there by get closer to Him which in turn causes me to trust Him even more...because that's what it's all about. To be vulnerable is a dangerous thing, but it's absolutely necessary in order to have an intimate relationship with God. Which leads to #2. We are supposed to trust God right? So when we say "I trust you Lord", but then something goes wrong in our life and we give into worldly wisdom and thought patterns to cope or understand those difficulties, that amounts to not trusting or to put it in a harder light, unbelief. It always has bothered me about the mustard seed thing, you come we can't "mustard" up enough faith to see some kind of victory or healing in our life? If it only takes the faith (or trust) the size of a mustard seed, which is a really a small seed, to throw a mountain into the sea, then why aren't most of the mountains in our lives at the bottom of the sea? Maybe we do have a small amount of faith (scripture seems to say a little is enough)so maybe the problem is that we are bombarded with unbelief, whether it be from the world or the pulpit. This unbelief therefore must be larger than whatever size faith or trust we have..Unbelief is pushing out our faith (trust) by the shear size of it....The voices come from all directions...TV, radio, internet, friends, family....HOWEVER....the good news is that God loves us and is just waiting for us to grab onto all that was done at the cross, because EVERYTHING is available to us because of what Jesus did on the cross. It means we have to really discover what it means to trust the everything. When we do I believe we will see the church walking in victory like it never has before.
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